
Our ultimate goal is superior care, and every single consideration is to be taken in order for your pet to be as well taken care of as possible.

Please understand and remember that it takes cooperation from the dogs family to give that standard of care.

Preferred Customer

Full Body Cut Discount – You save $5.00 by bringing them in on or before the 6 week date.

Before you leave to take your dog home, schedule another appointment for your next visit within the next 6 weeks.

This saves time and equipment use, plus contributes to mat control, cleanliness, and training for the dog. 2 or 3 hour time for full grooming can be cut down to an hour to 90 minutes.

This discount applies to any breed dog receiving a full body haircut including full shaves for dogs such as Labradors.

Anyone with more than 2 cancellations with less than 48 hour notice will no longer be eligible for the 6 week program.


Grooming takes training and patience. Dogs that come in 2 or 3 times a year do not get the required training it takes to sit on the table and allow us to handle their feet and body in a safe, efficient manner.

These dogs take more time and sometimes have to be tied (which we prefer not to do) in order to groom them properly.

Nicks and small cuts happen when dogs fight the process and a risk of injury to the dogs limbs is possible.

To maximize the care of your dog and keep cost down, please consider bringing the dog in on a more frequent basis.

Dogs that are not groomed inside of 4 months will be charged an additional 10.00 for time taken to work with these animals.

Training on top of thick and long coats, which is extra wear and tear on the grooming equipment, requires that we do so.

Please understand the goal is simply the best care possible for your dog.

Ear Care  

All dogs will get an ear wash with veterinary grade cleaner and a wash of external dirt and gunk. Dogs will be checked for yeast infections or any issues pertaining to ears.

If there is extended care that needs to be done or heavy flushing of ears for medical reasons then an additional charge of 5.00 will be added to grooming bill.

Care and patience is required for this type of service and lessons when the dog is picked up on home care will be provided. If a vet is necessary then you will be informed of my recommendation.


TenderCare will demat your dog (if possible) the first appointment. We will NOT put your dog at risk for injury or excess stress during this process.

If the dog comes in on a regular schedule determined by the groomer and still has mats, we will attempt to remove them or shave small ones at no extra cost.

If we need to use our dematting spray from PetExpress called “Brush Me Silky” then there will be a fee for this process depending on severity of matting and time it takes to remove mats. (Usually $5.00 – $20.00)

If your dog does NOT come in on a regular schedule determined by groomer, the dog will automatically be shaved down without attempt to remove matting after first appointment.

We beg you to ask us to show you proper brushing techniques and tools for home care.

Washing dogs at home that are heavily matted can lead to yeast infections on the skin and skin issues that cause large sores and open wounds.

Before you do any home care, please call and we can set up an appointment to decide how to deal with the situation.

Nail Care

Any dog that fights getting his or her nails done will be required to have the owner stay and hold the dog for the safety of the dog and to keep their stress level down.

It does no one, especially the dog, any good to heighten his or her stress and fight the process. We cannot hold the dog in a safe manner and clip their nails if they are afraid of the process.

Please be prepared simply to hold dog at the beginning of the appointment to alleviate any issues or injury with dog.

If the only thing you need done is nails, please call and we can have you stop in and it takes about 5 minutes with you holding your dog.

We charge a small fee of 4.00 to 8.00 depending on size of dog. If your dog gets groomed here on a regular basis and you need in between nail clipping. There is no charge.

Anal Glands

All dogs will receive an external exam each visit. We will express glands if needed or inform you of any issues pertaining to them.

Skin Care

Food, environment, allergies, all contribute to the condition of your dogs coat and skin. We will closely examine all dogs for sores, bites, fleas, allergy issues and or hot spots.

Medication may be required and special haircut considerations to dogs with problems. With some cases there may be an additional charge for medication or flea shampoo application.

These products are more expensive and the time it takes is longer and more drawn out. Time will be taken to show owner of any issues and recommendations will be made. Again, we are here to provide the best possible care for your dog.